Jason E Geistweidt and I contributed the networked installation Goodbye, World! to the Making Strange exhibit at the Burchfield Penney Art Center in 2021. From curator Zainab Saleh:

An ironic play on the classic coding exercise, “hello, world!,” Jason Livingston and Jason E Geistweidt use electronic circuitry with real-time data to show the difference between the current temperature and the 30-year average in the four cities the polar bears represent, each one a player in global debates on climate change. With eyes that glow redder with the rise in global temperatures, the installation turns what is often made invisible--the infrastructure behind our ever-increasing data consumption--into a visual signifier of the impact of this data use on our climate. Goodbye, World! reminds us of our collective impact on the ecosystem, and that even our well-meaning attempts at connection can end up being yet another method of extraction without regeneration.

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In May 2020, we Citizens in the Present flew an airplane through the skies of New York City. With enormous thanks to Christine Nobiss, Seeding Sovereignty, and those of you who supported the action through Kickstarter. Edited video here.

Photo credit @diggzy / Miles Diggs


Artist and writer Vanessa Roveto and I collaborated on the tumblr, Women Hold up Half the Sky.


In 2013, GENERAL XOXO performed twice, opening for Mountains, and closing a day of events for the WorkInProgress festival at PSZ.  Video excerpts here.
A.C. Hawley, Dora Malech, Jason Livingston, Kyle Stine, Chad Vollrath